Extended markdown style guide
This blog’s markdown is powered by Markdoc. In addition to supporting all basic markdown syntax, this blog also supports extended syntax to render custom components that are not conventionally available via basic markdown. This post is an example to showcase all available extended markdown syntax.
YouTube Video
You can embed YouTube videos in your blog posts.
{% youtube url=”https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/StTqXEQ2l-Y” label=“Everything is awesome - Lego movie song” /%}
You can embed tweets in your blog posts.
{% tweet url=”https://twitter.com/flexdinesh/status/1605685194312122370” /%}
You can embed codepens in your blog posts.
{% codepen url=”https://codepen.io/ruphaa/pen/eYJqjgq” title=“Ecosystem - Pen in CSS by Ruphaa” /%}
GitHub Gist
You can embed GitHub gists in your blog posts.
{% githubgist id=“d96064c9c4ef2e8ef71c90a10ffcf3b2” /%}
Lesser Known HTML Elements
{% abbr title=“Graphics Interchange Format” %}GIF{% /abbr %} is a bitmap image format.
H{% sub %}2{% /sub %}O
X{% sup %}n{% /sup %} + Y{% sup %}n{% /sup %} = Z{% sup %}n{% /sup %}
Press {% kbd %}{% kbd %}CTRL{% /kbd %}+{% kbd %}ALT{% /kbd %}+{% kbd %}Delete{% /kbd %}{% /kbd %} to end the session.
Most {% mark %}salamanders{% /mark %} are nocturnal, and hunt for insects, worms, and other small creatures.